Systematic description, biostratigraphic significance, and paleoecology of pteropods in the Khangiran Formation type section
Subject Areas : stratigraphyMir Amir Salahi 1 * , Abbas Ghaderi 2
1 -
2 - Ferdowsi university of Mashhad
Keywords: Eocene, pteropod, Khangiran Formation, Kopet-Dagh,
Abstract :
This study focuses on Eocene pteropods from the Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin. Two genera and five species, including Heliconoides bartonensis (Curry 1965), Heliconoides mercinensis (Watelet and Lefèvre 1885), Heliconoides daguini (Cahuzac and Janssen 2010), Limacina cf. aegis and Limacina dzheroiensis (Janssen, King and Steurbaut, 2011), have been reported from the type section of the Khangiran Formation near Yaghol village in Dargaz, Khorasan Razavi province. The pteropod assemblage corresponds to the Early-Middle Eocene boundary. The presence of these assemblages indicates that the Khangiran Formation sedimentary succession was deposited in warm waters, above the aragonite saturation horizon, and within the outer neritic to continental slope paleobathymetric range. This study focuses on Eocene pteropods from the Kopet-Dagh sedimentary basin. Two genera and five species, including Heliconoides bartonensis (Curry 1965), Heliconoides mercinensis (Watelet and Lefèvre 1885), Heliconoides daguini (Cahuzac and Janssen 2010), Limacina cf. aegis and Limacina dzheroiensis (Janssen, King and Steurbaut, 2011), have been reported from the type section of the Khangiran Formation near Yaghol village in Dargaz, Khorasan Razavi province. The pteropod assemblage corresponds to the Early-Middle Eocene boundary. The presence of these assemblages indicates that the Khangiran Formation sedimentary succession was deposited in warm waters, above the aragonite saturation horizon, and within the outer neritic to continental slope paleobathymetric range.
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