Investigating the role of microfacies, depositional conditions and diagenesis on the quality of the reservoir section, Ilam Formation (Santonian-Campanian) in one of the fields in southwestern Iran, Dezful embayment
Subject Areas : Petroleum Geology
Seyedeh Akram Jooybari
Peyman Rezaei
Majid Mehdipour
1 - 1- PhD in Sedimentology and sedimentary petrology, University of Hormozgan
2 - دانشگاه هرمزگان
3 - Master of Petroleum Geology, Petroleum Engineering Development Company, Tehran
Keywords: Reservoir quality, Sedimentary environment, Ilam Formation, Dezful embayment,
Abstract :
The Ilam formation is one of the important carbonate oil reservoirs of the Zagros and Dezful embayment basins. In order to identify the microfacies and depositional conditions and diagenesis processes, 100 microscopic thin sections from one well of this reservoir in one of the Dezful embayment oil fields were evaluated. Porosity and permeability data were used to check reservoir quality. The petrographic study led to the identification of 9 microfacies belonging to the facies belts of lagoon, barier, middle ramp and outer ramp, which were deposited in the homoclinal ramp environment. The most important diagenesis processes identified in Ilam reservoir include cementation, dissolution, fracture, micriteization, stylolitization, and dolomitization. Based on the qualitative classification of the reservoir and Lucia's petrophysical diagrams, the lagoon facies and the middle ramp have an average reservoir status, and the carbonate barier facies and the outer ramp have a weak reservoir status. The reservoir quality of the lagoon and middle ramp facies is related to the existence of interconnected and channel porosities. Due to strong cementation and the presence of unrelated porosity such as mold porosity, the carbonate barier facies has low permeability and has a poor reservoir status. In general, the Ilam Formation in the studied field is in a weak state in terms of reservoir, which can be important in addition to the facies controllers in relation to the lack of expansion of fracture and dolomitization and the excessive expansion of cementation in these facies. Therefore, the Ilam Formation in the studied field has a weak reservoir performance due to diagenetic processes, despite having more shallow sequences than deep ones.
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