3D modeling of rock types using the integration of core, well logs and seismic data in one of the carbonate reservoirs of southwestern Iran.
Subject Areas : Petroleum Reservoir Geology
Mahdi Kheirollahi
Golnaz Jozanikohan
Reza Mohebian
Ali Moradzadeh
1 - Tehran University
2 - Tehran University
3 - Tehran University
4 - Tehran University
Keywords: Rock typing, Hydrocarbon reservoirs, Rock typing approaches, Flow units, Reservoir model,
Abstract :
Rock typing is the process of assigning reservoir properties to geological facies, and an identified rock type has similar geological and reservoir properties. Due to the importance of identifying and separating rock types in hydrocarbon reservoirs, various methods have been proposed and developed today for the determination of rock types. One of the simplest methods is the porosity chart against permeability and cut-off determination, and one of the most important and practical of these methods is to determine rock types by flow zone indicator. In this study, we examine one of the most important hydrocarbon fields in the south of Iran where core, well and seismic data are available for the field studied so that by designing a new workflow and with use of the most important and efficient methods of rock typing, including FZI, porosity, Winland-Pitman index, FZI*, and logarithms of FZI and FZI* we have identified rock types in three dimensions and through the whole field. After the final validation, the correlation coefficient values were more than 83%, 57%, 70%, 70%, 73% and 78% for the methods used, indicating greater accuracy and efficiency of the FZI method for the rock types separation in this field. The partial comparison of the validation results after each method employment also confirms the highest accuracy belongs to the FZI method. As a result, by integrating this method with seismic attributes, the rock types have been separated in four different groups throughout the field in three dimensions.
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